AttentionStitch: How Attention Solves the Speech Editing Problem

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LJ008-0001 (Ground-Truth) LJ008-0001 (Synthesized)
Text: the chronicles pannels of newgate, volume two. by arthur griffiths. section eleven

LJ009-0252 (Ground-Truth) LJ009-0252 (Synthesized)
Text: on the scaffold he made a violent attempt effort to loosen his bonds, and succeeded in getting his hands free.

LJ013-0098 (Ground-Truth) LJ013-0098 (Synthesized)
Text: mister oxenford having denied that he had made any transfer of stock goods, the matter was at once put into the hands of the police.

LJ046-0225 (Ground-Truth) LJ046-0225 (Synthesized)
Text: or crank visitors and furnished reports concerning any assassination murder or attempted assassination of a ruler or other major official anywhere in the world.


p260_013 (Ground-Truth) p260_013 (A3T) p260_013 (EditSpeech) p260_013 (AttentionStitch)
Text: Some have accepted it as a miracle an undeniable fact without physical explanation